Cuddly Cotons ~ Coton De Tulear Breeder
Cuddly Cotons ~ Coton De Tulear Breeder
How we do things differently to help your puppy with a great start to life.
This is how we are different, we pour our heart and soul into our puppies. They are so spoiled, and they start potty training at 6 weeks old. We send the potty training schedule home with you to follow along to have a well trained puppy in 30 days. We recommend bell training.
Here is our routine once they are born:
Research has proven there is only a short window of time (till 16 weeks old) to stimulate, enrich, and socialize puppies to turn them into a well balanced, adult, canine companion. We do everything in our power to enrich and socialize our pups during the first 8 weeks When it's time to bring your puppy home, we provide you with the tools, resources, and a checklist on how to continue the enriching and socializing effect your pup needs.
3 days - 2 Weeks old
Early Neurological Stimulation
Every day we handle each individual puppy and conduct a series of 5 different exercise. These exercises produce neurological stimulation early on that wouldn't naturally occur. This tends to kick the neurological system into gear earlier, resulting in improved cardiovascular performance, stronger adrenal glands, more tolerant to stress, greater resistance to disease.
Classical Piano Music will be played from birth till 8 weeks of age in the puppy room. Classical music has a very calming and soothing effect on mom, pups and anyone who enters the puppy room. Pups will be conditioned to falling asleep when they hear the music turn on when older.
3 Weeks old
The Enrichment Effect
Every week, until the pups go home, we will enrich their environment. You'll see squeaky toys, bubble wrap, slick surfaces, tunnels, uneven wobble boards, steps, slides, and so much more. We try to add new enriching items daily.
Startle Recovery Begin.
These exercises will help teach puppies to "bounce back" quickly from being startled.
Puppies will begin listening to everyday household noises as they are moved to the main living area of our home. They will hear children laughing, playing and crying. Vacuums, dogs barking, door bells, and so much more.
Litter Training Begins.
Puppies have a natural desire to keep their "den" clean. We introduce a potty area during this stage. This will make potty training a lot easier down the road.
Socializing Begins.
This age is the perfect time begin introducing the pups to a variety of people. We invite friends and families over to play and interact with all the pups on many occasions.
4 Weeks Old
Crates are introduced into the puppy pen.
Emotional Resiliency Exercises Begin.
These exercises will prime puppy for the everyday challenges they will soon face.
These will help puppies learn to handle life’s frustrations early.
5 Weeks Old
Puppies Begin to Learn Core Skills.
We teach puppies that in order to have good things happen (getting pet, picked up, time to eat or to go outside they need to ask nicely. A dogs way of asking nicely is manding aka sitting nicely.
We spend 6 - 30 minutes session a day in puppy play, one hour a day having them listen to different types of music, 3 to 4 times a day
they are handled and played with for 20 minute incredments, having toes rubbed, place them on their backs and cuddle them, have them carried around, and give them individual attention.
Confidence Building.
For the first time, puppies are capable of experiencing true fear. We guide each puppy though this fear stage avoiding any experience that might cause lifelong fear problems, and build up their confidence.
We teach pups to come when called, and reward with yummy treats
We play with different shapes and colors of toys for brain development.
We play different types of music, including soft ocean waves music at bed time.
6-8 Weeks Old
At six weeks we start the outdoor potty training every 2 hours during the day. I will provide you with the schedule we are using her to effectively continue the training in your home.
Body Handling.
We continue to cut nails multiple times a week. Bathe, blow dry, and brush pups frequently.
Resource Guarding Prevention.
We teach puppies to enjoy having their treats, bones, food and toys taken away. Taught early on, helps prevent future incidents of resource guarding behavior.
We work on crate training, so that it prevents separation anxiety.
We will play desensitizing sounds like thunderstorms, vacuum cleaners, hair dryer, grooming clippers and so much more.