Cuddly Cotons ~ Coton De Tulear Breeder
Cuddly Cotons ~ Coton De Tulear Breeder

I have an obligation to protect and improve the standards of the Coton de Tulear breed. I strive toward maintaining breed type and producing dogs of exceptional quality, temperament, and condition. I will use for breeding, only those dogs that are deemed healthy by a Board Certified Veterinarian, and show no clinical signs of serious congenital or hereditary defects. I will make careful placements of all Coton de Tulears I have bred, acquired or rescue. Excellence in breeding is my highest priority. I want my families to know that I am passionate and committed to have the finest quality Cotons, and to help maintain this breed high standards. My dogs are health tested and those tests are for cardiac, hips, knees, and elbows.
It is a lot of hard work and endless sleepless night to nurture these amazing new puppies when they come into the world. I am very dedicated about making sure they are nursing, thriving, and healthy. I don't think people realize how much time and work goes into having a well rounded, happy, and healthy puppy. I whelp my own puppies, and they are watched around the clock to ensure everything is fine, and the new Mommy is doing great. My Moms get massages, and essential vitamins and nutrition during this time.
In addition to being a very careful, cautious breeder I make sure each puppy is healthy and I take them to my veterinarian for a well puppy check when they are 8 weeks old. My veterinarian does a very thorough inspection on each and every one of my puppies before they leave to go to their forever homes and vaccinate them. I only produce healthy and well socialized puppies.
Being a good breeder means taking complete and total responsibility for every life we?ve created. It is about finding responsible owners who truly deserve these wonderful creatures, and who take their commitment to them as seriously as we do.